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  • The Wonderful Frogs of Georgia’s Coastal Plain

The Wonderful Frogs of Georgia’s Coastal Plain

  • 21 Oct 2020
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
  • 67


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Erin Cork will lead us in a 30-minute lecture on the many frogs that call coastal Georgia home. Erin is a private lands biologist with GA DNR and a recent resident of the coast. She will give an introduction to the local frog and toad calls, share tips on how to create habitat for frogs and other small wildlife in your backyard, and provide information about FrogWatch citizen science monitoring program.

Register by Mail: RSVP to admin@coastalwildscapes.org. Remit payment to Coastal WildScapes P.O. Box 1106, Darien GA 31305

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